She says I'm okay

Later I'll talk about

-school/ap world
-the eye doctor
-homecoming/main place
-A.C. and her indescribleness that makes me so angry
So I went to the optometry and she said my eye vision was better than before. I could read the smallest line fine and like I didn't need new glasses, but I was just working too hard...that's why it gets really blurry at night. Also, that I need to sleep more, but ever since school's like this..I can't just stop trying. I have a lot of hw for APWH and then I need to study too....I'm so tired. -sigh-

Jenny...she went back to her old habits...that makes me really angry. I hate it. To see others harm's stupid. I don't find the pleasure in pain. I don't find it amusing and it is most definitely not even a way to FIX the damn problem. It just hurts yourself even more. Now can you wear short sleeves? No. -sigh- stupid.

Boys....He still hasn't told me he doesn't care anymore. Why the fuck. I think he (new guy) is cute, but I don't know if I like him. Today in P.E....we had to sit on the bleachers...he sat next to me...he even scooted closer...that made my day even though it's not really anything to be happy about. He's not going to HomeComing :[..i wish he was...I would ask for a dance...not really. He's scary. Mean. But sweet. and smart. I kinda like it? Idk.

APWH...the chap 1/2 test was bomb. So easy. My ass. 23/40...that was bad, but everyone practically bombed we all had to do test corrections...I read it and even I bombed it. Ugh, what with my life. I'm so tired. I don't really like piano class. I know Mrs. Bertin grades by your progress, but every time I go up there...I get so nervous that I just screw up. I know it though and I can play it, but she probably thinks I suck because I mess up like so much out of all the people on the spot. Ugh.

I've been like pmsing lately. It's like ugh...My mom won't stfu when I'm doing hw....A.C. She pisses me the fuck off. STOP using me chick. I'm not a pushover. I'm not your mother that keeps your homework. I'm not your agenda and I'm not your secretary. You don't pay me. I'm a person and I'm a friend. I hate how you fucking use everyone. I hate how you talk like "Omg! IKR? She's so annoying?!"...when you're the annoying one. You talk shit about people and you pretend like you're slow when you know exactly what you're talking about. You insult others and then say what? I'm slow...I don't get it. Bitch, please. I hate JN and CD, but c' really want to be the next one I confront? Seriously...clean up yourself''re not that pretty...I'm not saying I'm any better, but at least...if I ask for help...I return it. I don't just use people for my own good and that only. I help many others too. Also..I am not your motherfucking like bus station or whatever the hell you think I am. I don't want to go with you to your damn fucking locker. It is across the damn school and when I say I'm know that I don't want to go. I don't want to walk you to your house just cause you're gonna be "alone" walking've done that many times in the past years so I don't see why you can't do that now. No one's going to fucking rape you in this moment because you don't have money and you're not like fucking rich. If I walk you home,  then who's going to walk with me. I don't want to fucking give you a damn ride to your house because it's the opposite of where I live and I don't think you're nice, even from the beginning. I only tried to be friends with you from A.T. so just stfu seriously. My eyes are like killing me right now. blahh. Overall, I don't like you. Katie doesn't either. You just use us. It's obvious. If you guys don't believe me. Go talk to her for awhile and have classes with'll understand. She uses the smart people for her good. She doesn't even fucking read her APWH book like me and Huu do. She even said so herself. I don't look up shit on the internet like she does. I read because it's good practice for college. No one is going to hand you the answer and the internet is not always accurate. I abhor you. Please go look in a mirror and reflect your personality.

Homecoming is next Friday. You need a damn ASB sticker to bring people from other schools to the dance...Are you forreal? Yes. So now Idk if Betty can go...-sad/pissyface- I wanted to borrow one of her dresses. tomorrow after my doctor's appointment at 10...hopefully it's fun and Betty can go to Homecoming.


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