082109, Fri.

Last night I was very angry as you would know. I thought I could just sleep it off and everything would be alright the next day. I was wrong. When something happens, you cannot just sleep it off &think that it will go away the next day. You can't coward away &hide from it. I've been trying to sleep all night &it's been very hard. I can sleep all I want, but once I'm awake again all the problems from last night just come running back into my mind &I don't wanna cry again. I try to be strong &I've been cleaning/working all morning just to get my mind off things, but it still doesn't work. -sigh- Sucks....I'm not the type of person to hide things...I need to talk about it or I'm going to go crazy...Well I'm hungry...going to go. bye.

Today feels really different.....but in a good way &Idk how to describe it, its just a really great feeling. I'm glad cuz I haven't felt like this in a long time &it's a good feeling. Haha, right now I am watching Mr. Magoriums or something lmfao idk how to spell it...but anyway, it's a good movie, sad. &you know how these past few days I've been sad/angry/pissed &I haven't gotten a good night sleep yet so like I have like the worst baggs under my eyes ever D: -tear tear- oh wells....I'll just drink more water &sleep more...hopefully it'll go away b4 registration day for HS comes :D. &plus I have stress too now >.> so I'm having a bad breakout....hope that goes away too plz! XD Hmm....then there's this really wonderful guy in my life....my baby oreo....Even though we have just met for like a month [yes, I counted the days<3],>.< <3.>I love it that you took the time to play it &dedicate it to me...I already told you 4 words, I'll keep replaying it. But how I really felt about the song is its the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me so far &I really really love and appreciate it...I'll be listening to it and fall asleep to it thanks to you my dear<3. Also....from now on I will believe you fully no matter what others tell me or show me stuff that says otherwise about you.

Now I'm going to dedicate this space to Jordan:

Jordan (7:43:51 PM): thats what THEY think not what I think
Jordan (7:44:15 PM): and so what if they think shes pretty on the outside?
Jordan (7:44:22 PM): shes not on the inside
Jordan (7:44:37 PM): your beautiful inside and out :]

-sigh- this guy....I love talking to him....we barely talk sometimes, but when we have a serious talk...ahh, he is like one of those only people that can cheer me up &make my day. Thank you for telling me that ^^^^^, you don't know how much that compliment means to me &it makes me feel like I'm at least worth something to people :]<3.

Now I'm going to end this post &I believe I have everyone I wanted &I don't regret a single thing thats said or done<3.


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