
Friends...friends...friends...what is the real meaning of this word...I really don't know after all the bull &drama I've been through. I've been used, lied to, cheated on, and soooo many other things, but I still believe in a true friend. &It seems like I have a ton of best friends, but there's only a few I could really hang out with &just be myself completely without lying. For ex: Jessica/Tasi/Lauren/Diane &I could always talk to Kristen/Joe/Anthony/Duy/Betty/Manuel [that bishh ahah jk :)] about almost anything.
-Jessica has always been my bff w/Diane since 5th &she'll still be my nerd that I'll have forever, always know what's right to say and correct me if I'm wrong. Like my second mother but that possible? XD
-Tasi...she's so mean to me D: but it's ok...I like her bullying XD &I can tell her anything too.
-Lauren....she speaks her mind &tells me stuff NO ONE ever wonder probably tell me for along time XD &I like that.
-Diane....I miss her sooo much since we parted in elementary &I think I got replaced? But oh wells....doesn't matter cuz we still connect pretty well and never fight.
-Kristen....that woman -__- makes me feel sooo guilty. If you can help me through my problems with joseph....than I'll always be there for you &you know that, even if we have NEVER MET b4. So please....if there's something wrong, I have a shoulder here waiting for you; &I know it's not like you can cry on my shoulder literally...but does it help to know that I have one here just for you?
-Joseph....crazy white boi...haha you are like my twin..always know me best at heart. Stuck with me through thick &thin and I'll do that for you too even if it goes to the max.
-Duy; barely know him? IDC....He's been there for me these past weeks and I love that, so if anything happens I got your back :D forreals.
-Betty...this is my sister from another mother lol. Only known you for 2 years, but hey you been there for me and I will too for you...haha February bbies....shes older then me by 13 days <3.
-Manuel; when I first met this guy in geo. he would be one of those meanies that poked me....that means Ryan was part of this -__-", and it hurt &I hated him lmfao. I seriously hated him &we always fought and poked each other...then BAM one day he asked me about who I liked &now suddenly we dont fight anymore but we're good friends? Scary. But I'm okay with this :]

and last but not least at all....he probably thought I forgot him...haha naww never;
-Anthony; I only met him for a few weeks, but seems more like a few years. &I've never really felt this way towards any guy, but he makes me feel like I'm very special. Hah, I really don't know if I should believe it when he says I am cause of all these other things I see/hear. However, he's been there listening to me talk about my [weird] feelings/moments/&adventures and...I hope I get to know more about this really unique person that has entered my life &changed it. And well, he's made me happy a lot, sad at times too, but that shows him [&ME TOO X)], I really do care for him &I'll do whatever I can to make him happy. I'll have his back always &you know I can't get enough of you &I never wanna lose you...

&now my only wish is all these great friends I have...will stick with me forever; &&gettin to meet my bby oreo...even IF it's only for a minute...just to be able to hug him and tell him the most important thing I'll ever say right now. Well, gots to go read a book cuz my mom is making me XD byebyees.


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