ADL :]<3

"Trust me this time, let me take your hand & we will fly together. I'll never let you fall." -anne

How's your day? Well it's been okay &all. Since yesterday, it's gotten better &better. This post is going to be long so let's see where to start. yesterday I was on AIM chattin with people as usual &my oreo comes on :] We talked for awhile &I started asking him questions about T-mobile and like when we call before 9p.m. from T-mobile to T-mobile, but in different states...would that cost us $$$?....never got the answer really, but I'm pretty sure they would charge if you did do that totally ruined my plans for that special someone, 8 days from now D:; So then he helped me decide I'll just call, he won't pick up, &I'll leave a voicemail...hope that works :D &like almost every night already, he's been asking to call me..haha, I never let >.< It's not like I don't WANT to...I do, but I am soooo nervous &it's not like I call guys 24/7 or enough that I'm comfortable doing yea; nerve-racking. Shoulda seen that one time when I was at Katie's getting ready for the Last Dance with Katie/Diana/Lisa/Anh....tryin to call a guy for me is sooo not easy, I didn't even talk to DV on the phone...haha, Diana &Katie helped me with that. Well that's past xD...back to where we were b4. Uhmm, so he was like tryin to convince me last night again to call, I said I wasn't brave enough. Lol, he said, "you are." ...that's when I got off my laptop cause my dad made me xD. It was a pretty good way to end a chat :] &it was like only 8p.m.

So I went in my room....decided to listen to music, take some pics maybe for myspace, finish re-writing my 1 page 2-sided letter to -coughcough- xD, &wait till 9p.m. &see if I have the nerve to dial those digits >.<. While, I was doing all that I just kept thinking about calling him so it felt soo scary, ahah. I was finishing up my letter, but the intensity of my thoughts got to me &it stopped me from finishing &by that time it was already a few mins. away from 9. I got my cell and slowly opened it up to his number in the contacts list...Oh how the room temperature got hotter even when the AC was on. BTW, Kristen :O Sorry I missed your calls....I was either sleeping, eating, not paying attention...well you know...I don't always have my cell with me >.< &I call you at the wrong-est times xD. Anyway, I think I was going crazy cuz I was like talking to myself saying, "OMG, I can't do this...Idk what to say...what the heo am I suppose to say...>.< Ahhh....I so phail at this D:..." Lol well you get it...negative thoughts xD. So by this time [9:10pm.] I was gonna decide not to call at all cuz I just couldn't &I saw that my phone screen was dirty so I kinda rubbed it on my thigh to clean it XD &when I looked at the screen....IT WAS CALLING HIM....god I was like freaking out lookin like: O.O haha. I should remember that my phone is a touch screen &if it touches does stuff that idunno about T.T. Well it called and I heard his voicemail &I just hung up. I was like :D woot I don't have to be all nervous ahah, but then D: damn that means we can't talk for the first time. &then I put my cell down...&went back to listening to music. Like barely a few seconds later, guess who called back! :D I picked up the cell, but I was like hesitating to answer the call [starring at the phone, smiling], but in the end I picked up anyway :]. We kinda talked at first &it was really awk &quiet...I was like really really frickin red...well...idunno, but my skin was burning &it felt like 100 degrees with AC and I was sweating xD. I won't forget what he said &how that one time I made him repeat what he said like 3 times<3, pretending like I didn't hear him. hehe :] if I could go back &relive that again...I think I would. He did tell me again what he said...but I didn't return it >.<...I just felt like I should wait &I did...and talking to him was really just WOW? He sounded different than I expected, but it doesn't matter anymore :] because I love his voice &it makes me happy to hear it. The talk with him wasn't a bad one even though we had many silences in between &he even sang for me even though he was supposibly "sick." Even with the silences....I really liked that call the most<3 &he kept saying he sounded bad, that he shouldn't sing, but I truely wanted him to sing....I really did enjoy him singing to me. I loved it. It might not seem perfect, but you no what? I don't care about what others think...all that matters is that it was for me &I find his voice beautiful enough to keep thinking about it. He wanted me to sing to him too, but I really refused >.< I just have to work up my nerve again....mayb next time<3. So an hour passed talking to lil bro& lil sis kept coming in &out of my rm bothering me >////< &it was sooo embarrassing too. My brother was so brave -__- he had the nerve to ask out loud, "ARE YOU TALKING TO YOUR BOYFRIEND?" I was like [covering the phone] saying, "wth nooo" >///<, haha. Glad he didn't hear, but now I guess he will know what my brother said since I posted it XD. Well then it was like 10 &I finally was going to say bye. We said bye, nights, exchanged our loves :] &we counted to 3 like 2 times before I really hung up >.< I didn't wanna hang up on him, but if someone didn't do it....It would be just like those couples that loveee each other sooo sooo much ahah. It got really boring after the call ended &I kept thinking about what we talked about &him....but gradually I fell asleep. &you know...the last thought I had b4 sleeping was him &what he said to me. That night was one heck of a hott night &really romantic...haha all that time talkin to him...I was starring out the window, knowing that if he was doing that too...we would be starring at the same moon<3.

Well I got a really good sleep with the most awesum-est dream ever &today I woke up, got ready &decided to finish up my letter. I did &I took it out, scanned it, then sent it to him, front&back. Haha, I told him brb after I sent it...then later when I did come back...-sigh- I always love his replies.....Well I gtg to Target....bbl &finish this blog up :]<3 Byee.

Now that I'm back XD....I love his replies >.< He said, " awwww, thats amazing! :]" &three words that will always make me blush x] &this time....I did return something &told him I loved him too^-^. &I couldn't help, but ask him if he liked my writing...haha cuz I obviously lovee it concieted<33 lmfao. Hmm, then we joked around &he kinda left me hanging -__-" after talkin about being my doctor &50% bf XD. Well I guess that's that's how I started writing this LONG LONGG blog &I was gonna decide to talk to him after I finished the blog, but I just couldn't resist typing Hii:] to him since he's on. So I did...and things uhmm...changed?...How do I say this....>////<"

He said, "You never anwsered question." &I was thinking....excuse me, say wahhh o.o...until he sent me an IM saying, "Would you go out with me?".....I really don't know what I should feel....I was really happy becuz he asked that....but then I'm like down cuz I don't think I should say yes either...ayahh >.< whywhywhy. I'll just decide soon...but for now....that made my day :D<3

&right now he's telling me he goes to my blog everyday :] -sigh- you are a funny guy, sucha weirdo :] haha. <3 Well, that's really all for now. Thnxs for reading all this...seriously XD. Now all I can do is grin, grin, grin :D


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