
stupid blogspot doesnt like me -__- doesn't post wat i want..
anyway... woke up this mornin' &already, I had secrets thrown at my face that didnt hurt me phsically, just mentally. I tried my best like I had promised....to ignore it &get over that. I really did try &everytime it just pops up back in my head. I wish it would just go away even if it means I have to give up that one...

really? I don't wanna give up him, but I just wish all my troubles could go away for at least a day and let me have some fun. Hopefully our walton group gets to hang out and have a reunion with no worries b4 we move onto different HS[s]. Then I've been cleaning my house &drawing the whole day, trying to forget about what I received in the morning :l....it kinda worked?
>.< anyone wanna introduce me any places where you could just escape to and just scream my head off until I feel so much better? :l it would help just like music sooths my mind.
but well now for the world to no....my wish isnt coming true...it's just another bullshittty day
and now diana's hamster died ;[
r.i.p. lil guy <3
add on at 7:33 pm

Hey :] I guess I am feeling better for whatever crap that's happened today .
well can't wait till tomorrow >.< finally I think I might get to do something fun, which is go to the block with melissa &victoria. :D Then my dad let's me go to the pizza party/reunion for DC students on the 17th so yea...party! :] ahah, I'll have to remember to bring my camera to camera whore [lmfao] and share pictures I took in DC/Gettysburg/Philly. &&for the good mood today, thnxs to MelissaG &SehanS for making my day; and music? :]

ohh &here's my drawing I drew today ^-^:


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