
For the last time. I don't like him anymore, I love someone else :]

Last night I was talking to my bby oreo x] &he wanted to call me again. At first I agreed, but then I decided that I shouldn't because my dad might ask why I'm up so late talking to someone. I told him &he said fine, he'll call Kristen -__-". Ehh, that made me sooo jealous ahah, &so I just went off. He didn't even say anything just the usual goodnight and such. Well 9p.m. came &I was just practicing singing "Knock You Down" &it was sooo boring D: &I was thinking "god they must be having so much fun talking without me -__-" lol. Then, my cell rang &guess who it was :D?! Haha, my oreo called me &surprised me...really XD. I looked at my cell for awhile before picking up :] I was like really happy, haha. Made me smile :] We talked kind of &then he suggested playing Truth or Dare...more like ask Anne all the questions, haha. Mostly all my answers were the same :] &we were talking, then suddenly he said/asked me [which I felt was really cute] - ---- --- -- -- ---- --- - ---- ---. ---- --- -- ----? :] hah, 3 letter answer to that. &well...I love talking to him, I'm always smiling and sooo red. He even sang to me again :D &I finally had the courage to sing for him :]<3. And last night's talk was even better then the first talk we had together<3. I didn't wanna hang up at all even though we talked until it was like wayy past my time for bed &I was pretty tired. I really don't know what else to say about the night. It's just that I loved it &I'll always remember 08/25/09 :]<33 Wo ai ni, you can always be mine.


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