My Treasure

-sigh- Every night is the same now, but I love it &I'm always very content. One call is all I need...I don't know how it's going to be like when school starts and our schedules are all different. I know I'm going to miss my bby oreo soooo soooo much >.<. Last night he was being sooo "bad" haha. Made me really red/hott/....and who knows other stuff xD. &I'll just keep denying that I liked it alot, but my heart, I enjoyed it XD >////<. I wish I could just be with him soo much, but it's always only an "if" so far. &somethings are very different, in a good way. I would never be able to talk to a guy so easily especially face to face or on the phone &somehow now I'm able to do so with just "him." I love it, I love that I can talk to him like that because it shows that he's different and something very special to me. &I know I wouldn't wanna lose someone like him...someone very important, like a key to my heart. He let me choose a whole new path in my life &I took the one less chosen by....only to find the greatest thing in the world<3
add on at 9:54 p.m.

Today my baby wasn't with me >.< so I had to go find other things to do. I watched tv, movies, chat, etc....but it was sooo boring so I went to go read Chicken Soup for the Teen's really sad >.< but I'm only at the "Facing Challenges" section. It's been really boring &lonely &just moments ago, it seems like, at 9:13 my baby oreo called &I was really glad :]
I missed him >.<, but we only got to talk for awhile and then he had to go. He told his parents &cousin? about me? &after I hung up....I just had this really BAD BAD BAD feeling in my mind/stomach. It still have it right now, &it got to me so I just had to go on &blog about it. I just had a feeling that he got in trouble somehow? &I don't want him to get in trouble by his parents especially if it is because of me. And I wouldn't want to get in trouble WITH his parents....I just hope everything is alright. I know I might be worrying too much &it's worthless, but this is me...and I do care about him a lot. &Then there's this other thought that popped into my mind. When his dad...I think....said something about long distance o.o I just thought....Oh no....please don't make him block or ignore me....or stop him from being with/talking/calling me....I really don't want that to happen...I remembered once back when I was younger. Not much younger, but I don't remember when it happened...but I liked this guy &his parents found out about me....they were so mean, they made him block me from his life....I cried a lot because I lost a friend....&now....I LOVE this guy....if that has to be repeated for him....I think I'll cry so much &it pains me just to think about it. My heart will literally break at this point &there's no way to mend it quickly enough for High School. I truely have feelings for this one guy &even if I have to leave him...I'll be somewhat okay with that as long as I can still talk or see him somehow because losing connection with someone you truely love is unbearable...&you know...I always thought I knew what love was before, but I was just childish. I never did, until now. I really think it's a wonderful thing, but every second I'm afraid of losing him so much &I don't want our relationship to be based on lies/suspicion so I try my best to push those bad thoughts away &think of NOW &how happy we are together. And well let me rap this up before I start bawling. That's all for tonight. Byebye.


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