Brothers iPod

I was on my bros iPod the night you told me how long u had like me. I remember that I was so happy when I told u and I still am happy rereading it. I'm also sad though bcuz idk what happened to us....or what happened to you..I wish we could just go back and be happy talking to each other again. Sometimes I'm not so glad that Anthony told you I like you but then I am glad bcuz I no now that u feel that way...I just wish u would try for me. Honesty I really am taking it easy on you. Sounds conceited but it's the truth. Some other girl would have just played you already or left you. I'm so serious but I'm not like that. I know you're different and I wanna make a difference in your life. I want to b your favorite girl and I want to make you feel special... I just don't know how to coop with one word responses or how you practically stopped telling me how you feel. You might think I'm stupid but is blind. You guys can say I'm obsessive and desperate but I'm not. If you want to see obsessive and desperate then ask anthony...he has a girl that's like all over him and I'm nothing compared to her. I just really miss you.... I want to see the old u that I was talkin on the phone to...that one that I really liked...not this you right now..


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