
I'm really afraid of them. I just am. I hate it when people do that to me, but I know I'm just a hypocrite of my own words....But I've been trying. I don't lie anymore. Not even to my parents and especially not to those I care. Not even my friends. Somehow I get so paranoid...I feel like one day you're just gonna do it. Lie to me. I think I need reassurance, but ehhh. I know you won't by my heart, but it's my brain connecting with other stuff :l.

Blahh you know what? I'm going to stop thinking about this nonsense...I do believe you. Just never think it's okay to lie because every girl would rather hear the painful truth then a lie that sounds good. All because I would never want to find out that it was really a lie...we will eventually end up finding out...that's what hurts the most...a lie = no trust.


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