Ridiculous - you can't fight fire with fire.

So he's not on at all yet or I don't think so and I've been trying to play Grateful to have met you on the piano. If you haven't known...I can't play piano, so all I do it listen and figure out what's what. I'm actually doing pretty well, but it took hours....it's like how I play violin now...by my ears. Lol so yeah...I got to the 2nd verse.....and I don't know if I should go to Tennis bonfire or anything...feel so lazy. Such a hassle...especially when I'm not done with summer reading yet :[....I should go running this last month. Well byee. :P

actually...that "you can't fight fire with fire thing". That's what I kind of believe in. That's why CD/KN/QNP/JN can be beotches, but I won't necessarily be like that to them. I reason. I hope you could do that with your brother one dayy.....I really do hope so because I don't like hearing about being hit or anything...especially not from you. Reminds me. Today, my brother and I were messing around and then he slapped me in the face. LOL could you believe that? So I got mad and we were like fighting and my mom wasn't home. He ended up slapping me like 3 times and I hit him and yadayada and I think I got like a scratch on my face because of him...lol D: yeahhh.....we're scary xD.


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