
Well before I answer why I like you...I was finishing up the last chapter of my summer reading "The Things They Carried", but I can't seem to put down what the theme is...anyone know? Also, I'm watching a drama right now and the girl is like forced to be with this guy, but the one she really likes...she has to lie to him and say she doesn't like him. She doesn't want to, but it's for his safety...haha isn't that cute, but sad? I wonder if I would have to do that one day to you...say that I don't like you just to keep you safe. Would be painful for me...Anyway, everydayy I'm so happy...sleeping or waking...you're always on my mind and I wonder why.

So you asked me why I liked you....
I like you because I just do. Jk ahah :). Well like I said...I like it when people remember my birthday and you do that....I love talking to you...you're not boring at all....for the first time, I would want to stay up till like 1 a.m. just to talk to you, and that's pretty late for me xD. I somehow trust you so much and like I just know it. I know that you're an amazing person...you don't argue much and you understand things. You know how it feels like to have you're feelings hurt...you know what I know. You might not have known that I've liked you ever since Anthony left me because even I didn't know myself (mixed feelings)...I just knew that I smiled a lot when I talked to you months ago and I kept feeling all giddy and stuff, but there was never a word or feeling to put it down on like a word to describe you. Even when I stopped talking and when we talked again, I kept feeling really happy, but I never knew. I just went with the flow and sometimes I would feel sad only because I felt like I really bothered. Ex: I would say a buncha things, but you would just reply with, sometimes, only "lol"...kinda hard to respond to that xD....and like girls...when we get that....it tells us that you wouldn't wanna talk or you're too busy to give something...so that's kind of how I perceived it, but I kept trying to talk....trying to come up with things to talk about even if it might have annoyed you or made you feel like I was a weird girl. I loved that you made it such a challenge...you wouldn't talk much, but I didn't feel like....trapped....I felt like I needed to get you to talk...I kept trying and it was really interesting. I loved it when you actually talked though without being quiet a lot because that meant that I'm doing a good job and that you feel comfortable :). I like your voice and the way you laugh and how you're really honest. You tell me how you feel and you get nervous [though I can't really tell]. How you would just do anything for me....never break a promise (I especially like this) and I thought like you were the type who would just hang up the phone on me because the first time you did, but then you "weren't thinking". Hahah and like I like your flaws and how you're inexperienced. You true-er then the ones with experience...I like that because I don't have to deal with the crapp of being afraid that you would go and date someone else behind my back. You're just you, you know? haha and like I get really nervous talking to you and sometimes I would just miss you even though we're talking....if you know what I mean. I just like you for you...don't change.
So last night....what you said and what I said...it was really cute :). I thought so.

You said you've liked me for a long time...months and possibly for a year now :) and all these other misunderstandings....I thought you didn't like me, but you did :) and vise versa. Hahah...that whole time talking to you about it.....glad you weren't there, but I kept going "Awwwwwww! He's so cute...so so cute...I - you so much!" Hahah and it kept going on like that the whole night...even this morning :). But yeahh...I was and am really happy. -heart-

Awhile ago, I was talking to my mentor and this guy on youtube was asking her to design a shirt for him. It turned out great and I'm really happy for her! Then she asked me about "this guy that's crazy for [me]". Well I don't think he's crazy for me, but then like I was having a hard time telling her :l I thought she would get angry or lecture me about long distance and crapp. I didn't wanna hear about it cause it really annoys me...it's just a way to like someone -pouts-, I know it's more difficult, but still. I told her anyway and surprisingly she understood :D. I love her ahah, but it just got me worrying...I don't want to like be hurt :l...ehh...

What the heck. It's you. You're too good to let go of :).


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