
Lately, you guys know how it's been like with my life....crappy and all. Well I'm glad I met this really awesum guy named Aron. He's like so talented to me...he can speak like...4 langs? I forgot..he can surf, skateboard, do amazing pen tricks, cwalk, is in like 4/5 clubs? and is an officer for a few o.o and etc. I kind of want to take him as an idol xD. I'm learning this thing and having Anre help "coach me" cause you guys know...me = little patience. I hope I could learn it soon and impress people and like take after Aron. Would be nice to know a lot of things :). I'm also trying my best to work out everyday...did 90 situps/crunches yesterday and my stomach now hurts a lot....only could do 30 today xD. Then I also did the usual stretches for the splits. I'm getting closer you guys :D...only one hand away from the floor...but mann it hurts D:. I wanna be more dedicated in Vietclub and keyclub when school starts...haven't been able to go anywhere cause I'm either lazy or at home helping out with my mom.

I'll show you what you're missing out on.


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