Today is just about the most amazing day in my life so far...

I woke up thinking that you wouldn't like me anymoree, but then you IM'd me on aim. I really like it :)...I like that you msg me so when I come back, I have something to look at and it makes me smilee a lot. Yesterday on the phone call and this morning, I had a hard time breathing each time I talked to you. I didn't know why, but by now I'm kind of getting used to it. I still kind of have a hard time though and I get butterflies still. You definately are something different. I really admire that and I hope that I won't have to lose you. I realized that for the first time in my entire lifee, I could trust someone fully 100% without doubt. I ask you to promise me over and over not to lie because of bad past experiences, but that's just in casee. I already believe every thing you say. For ex: "Nothing is better than talking to you right now." I know it's truee and that makes me happier than I could ever be. It's only been 2 days since you've known that I like I don't really want to rush things and tell you I like you. But then again I want to a lot. You make me feel so happy that I can't even describe how happy I really am. Sometimes I just want to blurt out that I like you, but I stop myself...because those that wait, have better things to comee, I guess so right? So I'd rather wait :).

Sometimes I compliment you and you say thank you. I just find it really funny....but in a super cutee way ^-^ because I've never heard a guy say something like that.....usually they would be are you or something like that you know? But you say thank you...haha x)...You're just so polite sometimes...and like I don't know. I love your personality. Such a fricking dork ahah and I'm glad you know what it means now. You mean a lot to me...-sigh- why does distance have to exist :l.

Btw, I don't wanna say some things...not because I don't want to, but because I want to see if you really want to know. If you did, you would keep asking...I don't know, but I like it when people want to know things from's a habit? xD....Well I think most girls are like that....we say the opposite of what we the word "Nothing" could really mean something that you should ask about. Just saying.

I'm really hungry and tired, but staying up...already like 10:50 right now just to talk to you. I love it so much ahah. Could turn into an obsession D:....but I really do like the way you talk. All the words...true and it's like I see you as the onee...perfect in your own wayy <3
Me gusta mucha.
add on at 8:15 a.m. Aug 3rd:

Life is so unexpecting....good things come and bad things go and sometimes things just don't last. That's what I'm afraid of...losing the good things just in a blink of an eye. I keep listening to the song playing right now...It was on a drama called War of In Laws 2 that actually made me cry 'cause it was just that good. The song's called Grateful to Have Met You and like I've been getting stomaches D:...well cause I don't eat much, but anywayy...I cleaned up the house this morning since I woke up early and didn't know what to do....still need to finish summer reading book one :[,,,anyway, while cleaning, I thought things through. I over-think things huh? xD Well like I thought about you....I couldn't seem to remember how your voice sounded like on the phone sadly, but I know I really like it. Hahah, I like a lot of things about you x). Well...I wouldn't talk that much on the phone last night was 'cause:
  1. Phone shy...not used to you yet
  2. tired/didn't know what to sayy
  3. I was listening to you...your voice :) It sounds really sexy's just cause I like deep voices :))
  4. Smiling more and thinking about how happy I am rather than what to talk about
So yeahh xD....but mostly, you kind of got me used to you fast...normally, it would take a couple of times to get me to talk a lot. That was a lot for me for the first time xD.

I wish I could put down exactly how I feel, but here's what it kind of feels's like I'm gushing with love right now ahah x) and I could just smile even for no reasons....Then I'm so happy that I could just talk to anyonee and not be mad or anything. Also, you got me in such a positive mood that yesterday I went grocery shopping with my mom...Ehh we don't bond, but whatever :l. My little sister went too and I actually do feel closer to her and like my brother also. I'm kind of liking this happy thing :)....makes my lifee better. You make me forget about my worries and how my life isn't that perfect, but it could be close to perfect with you in it. Remember how I said my mom is sick? Yeah she's still the same...probably getting worse each day...but I do help around. I just don't like to help when she's there. Lol, cause she doesn't like "notice" that I do might as well fake it and make it seem like I'm lazy xD. Haha, getting off topic now, but like seriously...I'm actually okay with cleaning up the house o.o - Didn't think it would ever been funn, but just the thought of you makes everything better. Then on Tumblr this morning, I saw this:
I think it's absolutely true. Especially the way you talk to were close to saying the L word yesterday :O lol, but I stopped you. I know I'm why doesn't she want the guy that she likes to tell her he loves her? I just think that most of the timee now, actions are better than words because nowadays..."I love you" is just thrown around carelessly and I don't want to show you that it's "okay" to just say it will lose it's meaning and it will sound plain just like any other word you have heard.  I want it to mean so much more when it's I shall wait. And also, everytimee we my mind...I compare you to ADL a lot...I know I shouldn't and all, but I just can't help it. He did things for me when he felt like it and he only said things to make me happy/laugh, but you say it 'cause you mean it. See the difference? I do. Then I think back to how if he really liked me..he would have done anything just to talk/be with me, but he didn't and then that leads to me comparing you to him again. Last night, you said you would try to get wifi just to read this long ass blog xD and then you said you would try to borrow a webcamm and also try to get a phone just to talk to me moree......makes me realize that what people say is true. If someone really wants you to be in their life....they will do anything to make it possible. I didn't think it was true, but now I do :). I would like to talk to you a lot everydayy also, but I think I'll go out more now too...don't want to sit on the computer and get fatt lol xD....Actually going to bike and all that good stuff to be in shapee x). Also.....warning: being with me and coming into my life is the hardest of the hardest things you will ever make yourself do....well I think so because I get jealous easily....Sometimes I'm very insecure and sometimes my lifee could be the happiest ever, but it could dropp in one second and every crapp could happen and it makes it worse then worse. But then again, I'm just a girl...that's my flaw :l to be jealous...I don't want to be, but I just am and I guess you could say it shows that I care? But life also has a lot of problems and much that Kristen askes me why do I even have to take up with all the bs when I help others so much....This isn't to say how great I am, but to show that even good people will always have problems like any normal person and everyone will encounter haters no matter what. Sucks. Then when school comes...most likely I would still talk to you, but it's probably going to be less since I'll have zero period next year and I might be tired from school/homework so I might not be able to stay up latee. And when I say's not just the normal one/two hour kind of thing..I don't know why, but I have so much homework T.T...not even hopefully I don't fail this year with my first AP class :(. I'm also in KeyClub doing a lot of community service and Historian (officer) of VietClub so that takes away more timee for actual funn things :l. Anyway, I think that's it...gonna end it before you get too tired of reading this xD

Hope it made you smile :)


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